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  • Muhammad Tahir

The way we look at results has evolved

A recent study which shows that the way we view search results has evolved over the years. The older eye-tracking heat maps use to show an “F” shape, named The Golden Triangle, but the search results have changed since 2005, and so have we. Searchers are more willing to look beyond the top two positions, though the first listing still gets 32.8%. They are more likely to scan down the page, possibly a result of increased mobile browsing usage, and are more willing to look around the page as the top listings are not always in the same top-left position anymore.

Good SEO and marketing online is worth its weight in gold, Getting on the first page is as important as ever. But staying their is even more important and the easiest way to climb up to the top is the branding, Brand Identity is being identifeid on line as real collateral in SEO. So in order to keep branding; keep backlinking (good ones only) and keep updating your site with unique content, which, incidently should also be optimised in the way that it is writtten

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